"Will I feel any pain when the tube is inserted? What about ache from having a tube in my stomach?"

Because of its small diameter, only 2mm, the patient will only feel a very slight discomfort when the tube is positioned. Once the tube reaches the gastric mucous membrane, its warmth will make it softer thus making its presence imperceptible after just an hour. When the formula gets pumped into the stomach drop by drop at the rate of half a glass per hour, the patient won't feel anything.


"How can I resist the hunger for 7-10 days without any food?"

Thanks to the catabolism of the storage fats, ketogenesis will kick in after 12/24 hours and any sensation of hunger will disappear completely.


"Can I smoke during the treatment?"

Yes you can, but many patients have reported a substantial decrease in cigarette cravings during the Fastube Diet programme. This is likely to be a parallel mechanism to that of the suppression of the food cravings.


"Is Fastube Diet only recommended for people who are severely overweight?"

The Fastube Diet programme ensures excellent results even in patients who only need to lose a few kilos, with the added benefit that it will only take them 7/10 days instead of 1/2 months to lose that weight.


"Will I be uncontrollably hungry as soon as the tube is removed?"

The appetite-suppressing ketones will still be in the body when the tube is removed. At this stage, the dietician will manage the realimentation phase recommending a high-protein diet that is rich in low-sugar vegetables and this will successfully help control any food cravings.


"Will I put all my weight back on at the end of the treatment, just like it always happens after a hypocaloric diet?"

All radical hypocaloric diets produce two negative effects: the loss of lean mass and the lowering of the basal metabolic rate. The latter is due to the response of our body to being starved of the energies it normally requires. In fact, the way our body reacts is by "adapting" to a lower energy level, which means that as soon as we increase the number of calories, these are immediately stored as fats. In other words,  with a traditional low-calorie diet you only lose lean body mass and as soon as you start eating again your fat body mass increases.
With Fastube Diet, and thanks to the effects of the ketogenic process, you only lose fat body mass. As a result of the administration of proteins which prevent the lowering of the basal metabolic rate, the lean body mass is preserved and firmed up.


"Can I have sugar-free candy or chewing gum during the treatment?"

No food whatsoever is allowed during the Fastube Diet programme. This is because sweeteners interact with the ketogenesis process which forms the basis of the programme. Even the smallest traces of sugar can counteract the formation of ketone bodies.