From the consultation to the results

During the initial consultation, the doctor will take the patient's full medical history, prescribe all required clinical tests, take all anthropometric measurements, assess the percentage of lean mass, fat mass and water in the body (this is done via a impedanciometry test), as well as gather any relevant lifestyle information.

The tube, which is inserted by specialised medical staff, is then connected to the formula container through an infusion set. The formula gets continuously fed into the patient's stomach for 7-10 days by means of a simple computerised pump, which is provided on a free loan basis.

The formula is enriched with vitamins, mineral salts, gastroprotectants and bowel movement regulators. Our staff is available 24/7 throughout the duration of the treatment for any questions or doubts the patient may have.

The patient's weight is also monitored on a daily basis, as well as the ketogenesis level and the perception of appetite.

At the end of the 7-10 days, during which a daily loss of 1% of the fat mass is normally observed, the tube is removed. So that they can be guided towards the most correct realimentation plan, patients are required to discuss their food habits. Follow up blood tests are also prescribed on the same day.

A further follow up visit is scheduled after a week of protein-based realimentation. All parameters are carefully reviewed and a personalised diet which gradually reintroduces the consumption of carbohydrates is prepared.

This is the last step of the Fastube Diet programme: the outcome of the treatment is assessed and any further lifestyle changes are discussed and encouraged.

Our staff will be able to advise the patient as to whether a further treatment cycle is necessary. However, in the vast majority of cases, patients easily manage to consolidate and build on the results achieved during the first cycle.

We would also be happy to recommend highly qualified professionals, such as personal trainers, physiotherapists, rehabilitators, counsellors and motivational coaches.